Wednesday, August 6, 2008

I need Sex now......

I'm a college-going girl aged about 22 years. I hear all the while how important the chastity is. Earlier, I too, thought likewise and hated even the idea of having sex before marriage. But no longer. Looks like my two years younger sister also have started feeling likewise.
My craving for sex is growing up by the day and looks like I would go crazy if something is not done soon. Many boys are visibly interested in me too. But I don't seem to have courage to travel the list mile.
One of my friends advised me to masturbate. (Oh! how naive to think I wasn't doing that already?) The other night, I accidentally put my hand over my younger sister' boob and then squeezed it. She seemed to enjoy it. We have a common bed. Wonder if I should further the matter as we both need sex. And that too, NOW!

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Stormy Sessions with a Younger Man

My love man is nearly 10 years younger than I. But he is great at love-making and apparently is experienced. He knows that I am older. He finds this to be more appealing. Although he may have an idea that I'm in just for sex, he doesn't seem to mind.
Because of the way I look and dress I don't seem my age. I look and seem 10 years younger, and some people think I am even younger than that. But I have started wondering lately as he appears to be getting serious about me.
He did exhibit interest in me earlier too, when we used to work together. I did not act on the attraction as we were co-workers. I am wondering whether the difference in our ages would be an issue.
Men, what do you feel about the possibility of having a partner who is 10 years older? I am certain that you wouldn't intentionally seek out a much older woman, but if you happen to come across one that you are very much interested in, would the age difference bother you?